Don’t judge those not drinking!

We should normalize that people don’t necessarily need alcohol to have fun, to relax, to show emotions, to face their demons, to be their authentic selves etc. From a higher perspective; this is actually a great flex.

Have we got so lost as a species that there is shame labeled to not using external stimulation to have a great time?

Turn the narrative; isn’t it actually very sad that we’re addicted to such substances to bring out our genuine inner-children?

I’m not judging those who drink, I occasionally do myself, even if I easily can manage months without. However, we should at least not belittle those being strong enough to detach from being dependent on such external sources of “stimulants”.

Because, in my book, they are the real winners 🏆👊🔥. They aren’t prisoners of just one glass of wine to sooth their nervous system so they can relax, three pints to cope with their emotions or five shots to be hilariously happy.



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