External changes don’t guarantee lasting happiness

Sometimes, we will change something on our exterior to hopefully feel much happier, but shortly after the procedure, we may feel that the “good” feeling just “left the building.” We really didn’t get the lasting gratification we hoped for.

This could be another example of how focusing on external quick fixes for lasting well-being and happiness may not be the right approach.

Many, myself included, have thought or done; “If I just fix this and that externally, everything will be great, and my confidence will increase, etc.” But the problem runs much deeper and more towards healing/transforming our internal wounds that prevent us from loving ourselves as we are.

Digging into the reasons for low self-worth is actually more than fixing the symptom; we must delve even deeper to find the root of the problem. Often, it stems from a lack of self-love, possibly rooted in the type of love we received in childhood (conditional or unconditional) from family and friends… and ourselves. One of several solutions lies in inner-child healing.

Society nowadays, way too much rewards focusing on appearance. However, we all know that genetics also play a huge part in this. Thus, we are given different resources and starting points to play with. Why should we then give so much importance, admiration, and focus on something that to a degree can be so random? So many youth and, unfortunately, now, grown-ups have mental issues and health problems because they don’t feel good enough just based on these shallow premises. Lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, degrading self-sabotage, etc. often are derived from the external pressure we have allowed the society to put on us. We need to cut off these toxic chains, making us be defined by others.

If we start looking inwards to seek lasting happiness, chances are higher to find much more gratifying solutions.

You define yourself. Always remember this 🫶❤️.


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