Give lots of unconditional love to your children. Let them feel good enough as they are. Yes, you are allowed to have expectations sometimes. This can give them goals and motivation, but it should always be secondary to being accepted and loved unconditionally as they are. We, as parents, are their safe-space. With us they never have to wear external masks to feel good enough. With us they can be their genuine selves and never think that they are not loved by anyone.
Universe gave us children to have first hand experience of unconditional love. Use this. Make your kids have an emotionally healthy upbringing by being there for them in ups and downs. Every human needs to feel loved, seen and good enough as it is. Parents are the cheerleaders for life for their kin. Until the last breath. We don’t need to agree on their choices, we don’t need to have the same expectations, we don’t need to have the same perspectives. However, we need to respect that they will have their own life to live with their own lessons and experiences. Thus giving them love without any conditioning.
Lots of hurt people hurt other people because they don’t trust in unconditional love. They don’t know how it is and don’t trust in it. It often starts in their childhood, where love is given conditionally. If we do this, we show love and appreciation. If we don’t, then we don’t show the same love.
Cultural, religious, social conditioning have made us care more about how to fit in and not be judged than taking fully loving care of our children and even ourselves. Don’t! People have enough with fixing themselves. Why should we bother about being judged by those that even haven’t healed their own lives? Turn the focus on your children and give them the a healthy environment so that they always know that even how much they will mess up, you will love and be there for them.
If you do this and they realize it as well, chances are they will treat their surroundings and their own kids the same, healthy way. Be the role model you are meant to be. This will make the world a much more beautiful and serene place to live in, without the need for external validation to replace real, unconditional love .