Don’t fear getting judged for stepping wrongly in life. When we are open for challenging the safe route, we sometimes will struggle. However, we will strive because we are in the process of making space for our new and expanded comfort zone.
The easiest way of life is to play it safe. Over and over. Because then we will be perceived as stable and perfect. By others .
On the contrary, our curious soul will perceive us as boring and non-challenging. This is why, after a long time doing the same, repeated actions, the thingie’ will lose its stingie’. The spark will have gone. We will feel restless and unsatisfied.
Your mistakes eventually will lead to better solutions and more consciousness. The simplest of perspectives lies in that the meaning of life is to gain more experience. This will keep our soul youthful and give life an ample purpose.
Your wisdom comes from your mistakes, so instead of regretting what you can’t undo, see to it that you get the lessons needed from every mistake you make. This is the best lifehack life gives us. We just need to internalize this in our ego.
Fear of making mistakes should never win over the euphoria of getting it right. Hence, when we actually start seeing the mistakes as small blessings as well, the fear factor loses its hold. That’s the ultimate state we want to be in .