I am a victim… as long as I allow it!

Day 1: I am a victim.


Day 3: I am a victim.





Day 100: I am a victim

Day 101: *Eureka*… I am a victim as long as I allow myself to always be the victim.

In most cases, you’re the victim as long as you see yourself as one. The shift happens when you realize what lessons you needed to learn to take some accountability in your own victimhood. You either can decide to blame others all the time or step up your game and be more proactive for your own happiness.

If we learn to shift our mindsets to get empowered by getting out of shitty situations, we will change the way we live our lives. Staying in victim mentality for long, just drains our energy and stops our progress towards other blessings. Our negative mind and triggered ego often hinder us from so much abundance.

We really just need to learn how to see life as the greatest master, and treat it as such.


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