Liabetes is the latest mass-disease we all are experiencing…

Watch out!

Liabetes is the latest mass-disease we all are experiencing 💔😉🤣. Especially among narcissists and egoistical persons without accountability and empathy.

The fun thing though; a person caught lying several times, will always be seen as a majestic fool forever, because every single word thereafter will be taken with a grain of salt. Even past and future truths will be questioned. Thus, the said fool destroyed his/her reputation and personal relationships forever, because how sure can one be if they are not lying in whatever statements they’re making. We can’t.

People find it difficult these days to make interpersonal relationships due to the egoistical nature in our society, and if a person is a liar, then people 100% will be forced to keep away or make it all very surface-leveled. People shy away from people they can’t be authentic with. This is the simplest of truths in a time where we all have many internal demons to face, why bother about someone acting as an external demon, right?

Trust is the glue to make a society work, because lots of actions and transactions are based on this. When this is broken completely, the gigantic fool destroying it will suffer for a lasting time, because now they will have to suffer the secluded consequences of their own actions.

People taking accountability, and even telling some harsh truths where they easily could have lied, are the real ones, because you know where you have them. Liabetes-people, on the other hand, are doomed to drown in the pits of their own misery. So make your choice wisely.


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