When you are closed off for new impulses, you often judge, generalise, and resist a more enriched life. Your fearbased ego is a defence mechanism to make you navigate easier in the brutal landscapes of life. Thus, it wants control to prepare you for not making previous bad choices again. This can seem like a good thing. However, this will also be a bottleneck for further expansion of your experiences unless we attain an open-minded and bold composure.
You evolve all the time. You are not the same as before. Especially if you experienced something brutal and went to the depths of hell… and returned scarred back. Don’t forget this accolade.
FEAR is what makes us all less adventurous and creative. Fear of being judged by others. Fear of failing. Fear of making an ass out of ourselves.
I dare you to challenge the fear in you. The one mechanism holding you back from possibly finding the colourful rainbows in your life. Fear stops creativity. Fear stops innovation. Fear stops extraordinary solutions to problematic situations.
Turn the friggin’ narrative. Why should you care about people judging you when you know that fear and arrogance lead to judgement? And… why should you try to impress and seek validation from those who easily judge you? Those ones are really not worth your energy, so why care about their opinions? The people worth your focus are the ones who will give you the benefit of the doubt, not the ones who will rapidly judge you instead of listening to your side of the story first.
Choose your battles.
Choose your entourage.
Choose who matters
and who do not.
Don’t put people on a pedestal falsely unless beside you. You define your worth and your experiences. Your life is yours to own. Don’t let fear of judgement stop you from hitting the jackpot. Don’t let fear make you its prisoner.
Beat fear and win your life back. Real freedom comes when we have nothing holding us back, especially our fearbased ego 💪👊🔥🔥🔥❤️🙏.