The new flex for humanity is to not judge from the ego. Sometimes, we feel good about ourselves by putting others down. If we dig deeper, we find that this has nothing to do with those we judge and everything to do with our own insecurities and lack of self-love.
Someone secure in themselves won’t need to pull others down to climb upon their shoulders. Our ego finds the easiest way to handle this situation by attacking others, boosting our ego to feel better about ourselves.
The more consciousness we have around our own toxic defense mechanisms, the easier it becomes to improve ourselves by focusing on genuine self-love. Through this, we will be forced to see our flaws, acknowledge that “picture perfect” is only an illusion created by society, and become more accepting of others who are different from us.
Judgmental people divide. Non-judgmental people gather.
Ultimately, through this awareness, we will see the bigger picture more easily by being humble and understanding of everyone’s journey and situation. The ego will lose, the heart will win, making love the best currency for a healthier future for ourselves and others.