You matter ❤️

Lots of people have such a beautiful time with their family and friends these days ❤️. However, not everyone has it like this. It’s a duality at play, though. Some have the best time of the year, while some just want this to be finished ASAP due to loneliness, feeling like a failure because everything is not perfect, past memories, etc.

I’m looking at the latter ones. I’m trying to give you hope that things will not be like this forever. I’m telling you that you are not a failure or as alone as you think. I’m whispering in your ear that you actually don’t need this external validation for defining your worth and well-being.

People care about you. About your mental health. About your presence in their lives. About your importance. They just sometimes don’t have time to or may suck at expressing it.

Why? Because lots of them are drainingly chasing the picture-perfect life defined by society. For others to see and acknowledge how wonderful they are doing from the outside. Even if they really lack the lasting happiness on the inside. How can they express gratitude for others, while they aren’t really grateful for how they are themselves or what they have? 💔.

My friend, try to find solace in the smaller things. Try to really start seeing your own worth. Try to shower your isolated state with gifts of self-love.

Introspection is easiest when surrounded by serenity. Don’t only focus on the negative factors. This is the devil on your left shoulder speaking. Make more effort into listening to the wise words of the angel on the right shoulder instead. The one telling you about how frigging good you are, how huge potential you got, how you should pamper yourself to enjoy your own persona.

There will always be people suffering more than us or having it much better. But in the end, it’s up to us to make the choice about how we should perceive this. We define our mental state by seeing life as a glass half empty or half full. Negativity drains our energy and pulls us further down the rabbit hole, while a positive mindset gives hope and opens up for us being the alchemists of our own fruitful path.

It’s a question of mindset. The comeback-power in humanity is off the charts. We can be rock bottom, chained to the depths of hell, but very quickly rise up… if we really go for it. But in most cases, it’s about how we recognize our own worth. We always have the ability to transform. We always have the option to change our narrative. We always have the key to define our worth. As long as we start ignoring who and how others will react.

Your worth is never really defined by others. It’s only defined by you. I challenge you to dig deeper into this. The less you care about external judgement, the more freedom you get from your mental demons.

If you want to dance in the rain, do it. If you want to walk in nature, do it. If you want to watch movies, do it. If you want to play video games, do it. If you want to be creative, do it. If you want to be kind to someone, do it. If you want to take a bath, do it. If you want to learn something new, even if you’re old, do it. If you want to sing in the shower, do it loudly. If you want to ask for forgiveness for some past mistakes, do it. If you want to have a full restart in your life, with all sheets cleared, do it immediately.

It’s never too late to make changes in our lives. We are only prisoners of the past if we let it and other people have importance in defining our future.

Every new day is an opportunity to start all over. But it ultimately starts and ends with you because only you shape your worth, your happiness, and your almighty future 👊💪🔥🙏❤️.

You got this. I promise 👊.


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