You are good enough . You were never meant to crave external validation. NEVER!
Break the toxic thought process! Your lack of self-love is making shit imbalanced. Take your power back . Don’t listen to your ego, it’s pulling you down by its negative programming from your childhood. We all have different luggage to carry in this game called life. The stronger you are, the heavier the tests.
Turn your mindset. Change the narrative. Don’t let society make you put a shallow price-tag on your worth. The only one able to judge you, is YOU. No one else. They don’t have the whole picture. Your tears and heartbreaks are yours to own. Don’t let their core lessons be thrown away by insignificant, external standards.
You probably are an expert in giving unconditional love to others, even those that don’t reciprocate. Why don’t you try to give some to yourself? Have you tried to fill your own cup? No?!? It’s never too late as it was never too early. You just didn’t got taught to do so. It will feel weird in the beginning. Your ego will fight against it, because it isn’t used to you doing you. Healthy selfishness is necessary when you are sabotaging your life. Take the step. Pamper yourself. Be the hero of your own unique movie. Because no one else, but you, deserves to play this role in your life. NO ONE!