Skrevet i Kindness Selflessness Wayshowing

Two paths to take!

There are two paths to take when in connection with others. The first one, where you’ll make people feel less about themselves and even make…

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Skrevet i Kindness Love Oneness Self-love Wayshowing

The heart-space is the right space ❤️

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for doing something from the heart-space. You can fail, yes. You can get a setback, yes. You can…

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Skrevet i Ego Kindness Narcissism Self-love

Non-judgmental people gather!

The new flex for humanity is to not judge from the ego. Sometimes, we feel good about ourselves by putting others down. If we dig…

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Skrevet i Kindness Oneness Self-love

Be the sun in your and other’s life!

If you’re a giver, healer, protector, lover, pour some of this onto yourself as well, so you don’t drown. Because you’re so much more worth…

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Skrevet i Kindness Selflessness

Kindness, with the right intentions, actually shows character!

Since society is structured in a way to benefit those following their ego and focusing on themselves, kindness has obviously been perceived as idiotic and…

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Skrevet i Kindness Oneness

The Golden Rule

Saying “namaste”, “love and light” or “blessed be”, owning crystals, or meditating doesn’t inherently make you spiritual… Going to church, mosque, temple, or synagogue to…

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Skrevet i Comfort zone Kindness Oneness Self-love

Appreciate those making your soul smile

Those people making your inner-child feel safe enough to come out without it getting afraid of being judged for who it is, are the real…

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Skrevet i Ego Kindness Selflessness Wayshowing

Vennlighet er den virkelige fleksibiliteten

Problemet med teknologisk evolusjon, grunnhet og materialisme er at vi blir kaldere og objektiviserer alt og skyver vekk ekte menneskelige følelser, varme og respekt...

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Skrevet i Kindness Selflessness Wayshowing

Fokuser på de som betyr noe!

Den som trenger kjærlighet, latter, oppløfting, støtte, innflytelse, motivasjon, høy vibrasjon og transformasjon betyr noe, ikke de som ikke setter pris på din innsats for andre...

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Skrevet i Ego Kindness Oneness Selflessness

Fôr hjertet, ikke bare hodet

Tankene forer egoet. Hjertet forer vår kollektive enhet. Vi kan ikke fungere riktig som personer uten en kollektiv symbiose, mens strukturen ikke...

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