Posted in Kindness Love Oneness Self-love Wayshowing

The heart-space is the right space ❤️

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for doing something from the heart-space. You can fail, yes. You can get a setback, yes. You can…

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Posted in Ego Healing Transformation

Inwards accountability

Lots of people only point outwards when something goes wrong. However, we all have something to learn internally. Thus, we need to dig deep to…

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Posted in Fear Healing Self-love Transformation

Great wisdom in making mistakes

Don’t fear getting judged for stepping wrongly in life. When we are open for challenging the safe route, we sometimes will struggle. However, we will…

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Posted in Fear Transformation

Evolve or Repeat!

The problem with the comfort zone is that it enables less transformation and more repetition. This is very detrimental to your soul and your mental…

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Posted in Fear Healing Self-love

Don’t deceive your own soul!

The biggest deception is the one we do to our own soul and intuition by staying in toxic traits, relationships, situations, addictions, environments and mindsets…

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Posted in Ego Healing Transformation

Our ego and pride can blind us!

Cycles and lessons repeat until we go inward and discover the core behind our repetitive consequences. Eventually, we will understand that the path taken was…

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