Posted in Kindness Selflessness Wayshowing

Let’s be kinder

If everyone got only ten percent kinder, this earth would become so much better. We aren’t used to quantifying kindness, but it can be done….

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Posted in Self-love Transformation

You are the sole supplier of your happiness

Shut up the demon inside and focus on your wellbeing. The (painful) past was always a learning field, preparing you for a better you in…

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Posted in Healing Self-love Transformation

Never accept less than you give

Never accept less than you give in relationships. You deserve exactly as you are. Unbalanced relations are toxic. If someone makes you feel less than…

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Posted in Self-love

Intrinsic will to change

Nothing can change without intrinsic motivation. The will to change has to come from within. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t…

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Posted in Fear Self-love Transformation

Face your fear

Fear! 99,9% of us are controlled by fear. Fear of not making it, fear of not being good enough, fear of missing out, fear of…

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Posted in Transformation

If you’re easily triggered, you’re easily manipulated

Don’t react. Rather respond. People triggering us usually show us something in us to heal. Our weakest spots can be used to rattle us for…

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Posted in Transformation


When you start digging deeper for why you are getting triggered instead of reacting on the triggering, your life will shift into a whole new…

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Posted in Self-love


You are not an option, you are THE ONLY ONE 🔥 Sincerely yours ♥️ The one who sees your worth 🙏 ~~~~ Don’t ever settle…

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