Posted in Self-love

You matter ❤️

Lots of people have such a beautiful time with their family and friends these days ❤️. However, not everyone has it like this. It’s a…

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Posted in Self-love

External changes don’t guarantee lasting happiness

Sometimes, we will change something on our exterior to hopefully feel much happier, but shortly after the procedure, we may feel that the “good” feeling…

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Posted in Ego Fear Healing Self-love Transformation

Overcome fear!

Need to say this for lots of us: Fear leads to the lowest vibration. Hence, fear makes our energy very low and dark. The lesson…

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Posted in Comfort zone Fear Healing Relationships Transformation

Learn from your relationships!

Life teaches us a lot… if we are willing to open our eyes to it. A longer period of being single after one or more…

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Posted in Ego Kindness Selflessness Wayshowing

Kindeness is the real flex

The problem with technological evolution, shallowness, and materialism is that we get colder and objectify everything and push away real human emotions, warmth, and respect…

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