Never accept less than you give

Never accept less than you give in relationships. You deserve exactly as you are. Unbalanced relations are toxic. If someone makes you feel less than them, leave! The problem is the other part not seeing your worth. This will drain your energy more and more. You are good enough (unless you behave badly or toxic).

Don’t make anyone else tell you otherwise. Your cup is equally worth as theirs. You deserve someone that fills your cup up equally as you fill their cup. For example; if you give two “energy-“balls from your cup and you hardly just get one back, then your cup will be empty soon and you won’t have anymore to give, including to those that need it the most and/or that always reciprocates.

Protect your boundaries and look for actions, not words. You are so much more worth than accepting breadcrumbs and diverted focus. You are not AN option, but THE only option! This is the mindset you should acquire ❤️ .

Remember, your ultimate happiness is always found from within, not externally through a person, a thing or a situation. When you find the happiness inside, you’ll be much stronger and invulnerable. Hence leaving someone not caring for you, will be a much easier task.

And finally; don’t care about people judging you for those actions you needed to take to transform your life. We humans are unique with our pros and cons. Everyone has been through tough learning and issues in some degree, but no one has walked all of your steps and cried all your tears, so how can someone judge you? How? How?

And the same obviously applies for you; how can you judge others? To always compare is a shortcut to make yourself unhappy ..or maybe happy, but in the most short-lasting way. So don’t bother about what other say or do or experience, focus solely on your own situation and transformation.

Wishing you all the best 🙏. You can and will do it 👊. Just trust in yourself and go for it with passion and integrity🔥!

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