Please your soul, not your ego!

Whatever feeds the ego isn’t good. Whatever feeds the heart is.

The unhealthy ego wants us to latch onto everything externally to make us happy.

Admiration, desire, respect from achievements, success, beauty, fame, popularity, power, sexyness, etc are egoboosters to make us feel good about ourselves and, unfortunately; in many instances better than others. Thus leading to a really distorted view on yourself and a rush to continuously search for external validation to keep up this “I need this to feel good”-addiction.

Often, this leads to self-destruction because, we see this every single day, humans will do anything and overstep any boundaries to keep this “rush” alive. The sole purpose being the ego wanting external admiration as a base for happiness. However, this teaches us to not rest, to always be in alert mode, to be fully aware of people’s judgement. Literally: a perfect puppet dancing to the tunes of others while lacking the authentic you.

Hence, your soul isn’t actually that satisfied. Because you gave away your sole key of happiness to others, thus the power to define your well-being.

This powerful key is actually only yours to own. You need to find the happiness inside yourself. No person needs to seek outwards for external validation. The only validation you need comes from yourself. When we learn to see our worth and love ourselves, we will find a much more peaceful, stable and lasting state of happiness… from our heart-space. This way, we will learn to screen away the necessary needs to please people or to be defined externally.

That’s the real lifehack we should have learnt from our younger ages.

Please your ego for lasting misery. Please your heart and soul for lasting happiness.

The choice is ultimately yours!


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