Posted in Ego Fear Self-love Self-worth Transformation

Own your triggers!

Your triggers are the weak spots in your everyday “armour”. Embrace them. Own them. Heal them. If you’re easily rattled, you’re easily manipulated. Thus, love…

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Posted in Ego Love Relationships

Romeo and Juliet – version 2.0 šŸ’”

The tragedy between Romeo and Juliet happened due to the pride and ego between the families, societal expectations and pressure, and reckless, intense behavior driven…

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Posted in Ego Healing Transformation

Inwards accountability

Lots of people only point outwards when something goes wrong. However, we all have something to learn internally. Thus, we need to dig deep to…

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Posted in Fear Healing Self-love

Don’t deceive your own soul!

The biggest deception is the one we do to our own soul and intuition by staying in toxic traits, relationships, situations, addictions, environments and mindsets…

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Posted in Ego Healing Transformation

Our ego and pride can blind us!

Cycles and lessons repeat until we go inward and discover the core behind our repetitive consequences. Eventually, we will understand that the path taken was…

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Posted in Ego Fear Healing Self-love Transformation

Don’t stay where your soul doesn’t belong!

So many, unconsciously, stay where their soul doesn’t want to even if their ego might. This will manifest through energy being drained, health issues, diseases,…

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Posted in Comfort zone Healing Self-love Transformation

Beware of those enabling your vices

A person who genuinely cares for you, will tell you the truth in regards to your vices. Even if they risk losing your relationship regardless…

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Posted in Ego Fear Narcissism Self-love Self-worth Transformation

Life is the greatest guru!

Don’t regret anything, even if you got severely hurt. You wouldn’t be the one you are now if it wasn’t for all your experiences. Always…

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Posted in Ego Kindness Narcissism Self-love

Non-judgmental people gather!

The new flex for humanity is to not judge from the ego. Sometimes, we feel good about ourselves by putting others down. If we dig…

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Posted in Ego Fear Self-love Transformation

Face the fear; don’t become a slave to it!

Sadhguru said: “Fear is always about something that’s yet to happen, isn’t it? So that means we are suffering from something that does not exist.”…

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